Sunday, February 26, 2006

Restarting the podcast

I have reworked a few things, and even updated the Audio Player.

Look for me soon on iTunes!

The podcast will be recorded once again on Wednesday. It will be a live episode, which is how 23rd Psalm was recorded. I highly recommend listening to that one, as it is a completely revolutionary format.

I will also be re-revealing some ideas that I mentioned in the last podcast, which I believe was for The Hunting Party, but it was never uploaded. So listen in for that too.

I hope a larger audience can be established this time. If someone you know watches LOST (or doesn't because they don't get it) tell them to come here and they can learn about it. I'm going to talk about the LOSTrewards on the next show, which I think could be an incentative to get the word out about the show.

Matthew Mitchell
Creator, Host


At 1:17 PM, Blogger Jay said...

Good, glad to see your getting this thing going again


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